Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Boston Marathon Blasts- Lets keep the human spirits high!!

As soon as I read the post on facebook from my friend, who mentioned blasts occurred at Boston Marathon and he luckily missed running due to some registration problem, I was shocked. I have never heard of such incident where athletes, spectators were targeted in the terror attack except the 1972 Summer Olympics incident in Munich. I began to read the articles in the newspaper which explained most of the events. Series of two blasts occurred at the finish line after around 4 hours into the race, 3 are dead and almost 100 people got injured. It was a shocker. I was not able to comprehend the attack, as the matter of fact 99 percent of the people running in the marathon are general public who put in lot of efforts over the years just to prove to themselves that they can do it, they can run and complete the race. It was sheer attack on the humanity beyond any doubts.

Boston Marathon has a long standing history of being one of the elite marathon events in the world having completed 116 running years and one of the six World Marathon Majors. People take pride to be part of Boston Marathon and being able to complete it. Running in its 117th year, what happened today is beyond the words to describe. 

Marathon draws people from every ethnicity, age, culture, physicality is a forum to celebrate brotherhood, togetherness and human spirits. Participants pull in lots of efforts, hours of preparation physically and mentally to be able to participate in the race. They struggle to overcome there weakness during the course of their runs. They form an intangible bond with the fellow runners all through the run and spectators become part of their motivation. What they achieve at the end is the sense of accomplishment, beyond the words could reach. Its a human triumph over their weakness.

I am deeply saddened today. I give my condolences to the deceased, keep their souls rest in peace. My heart goes out for all the ones who are injured, I wish for the speedy recovery, wish them to be back on their feet for the next practice session. Running is not over yet, you people have done it, you can do it again.

Final word, lets not get bogged down by the heinous terrorist act, lets show them the human spirits are high beyond the reach of anyone.

Lets get warmed up, lets have a run !!!
To all, Happy Running !!!


Dedicated to all Boston Marathon Runners

I ran 5 kms in the evening and dedicated my run to all the Boston Marathon runners specially to the one deceased and injured. Lets keep the running spirits high, lets keep the marathon spirits high and finally lets keep OUR human spirits high !!

Happy Running !!

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